YSI Fellows : Their experience @ YSI-21 Conference

Written by YSI_ Fellows: Lavanya, Aishwarya and Sharulata

Experience of YSI- Fellows  at YSI - 21 

In 2020-21,  3 students from different colleges were selected as YSI - 21 Fellows. Their  selection was based on exemplary enthusiasm, they showed to bring social change at campus.   They were selected through a rigorous interview and screening process on why they wanted to be a fellow of the Youth Social Innovation and an interview to understand their commitment.  The 3 students who were selected were : 

  1. Lavanya - Srushti Degree College, B.Com 3rd year 

  2. Aishwarya - Srushti Degree College, B.com 3rd year

  3. Sharulatha - Maharani Cluster University, BA 2nd year 

Here is what our YSI-21 fellows, had to say about their journey and experience of working with different people in the project.

Lavanya :  a very friendly in her behaviour, participants love her company

 I received the greatest opportunity as a student, when i was selected as a fellow, it is not doing a project, moreover its learning, it brought out my hidden qualities. 

As a peer Co-trainer in the YSI workshops, I had a chance meet very different talented young students from different colleges from all over Karnataka and also  teachers from India. I made many close friends, whom  I will never get to meet elsewhere. I am surprised that I could make friends with strangers, at the YSI workshop.  

YSI workshops have really influenced me to take a deeper look into my own self, and helped me improve myself.  By actively participating in all the activities, there are lots of important moments of learning which  will always stay in my mind.  

The problem statements taken up by my peers  and the simple solutions they have found  to solve them, has motivated me to overcome my hardships.

Today i can identify my problems, community problems and solve them by taking initiative, which makes others support me. I am a happy for all the learning I have got from participating in YSI.

AIshwarya  is an active and determined fellow of YSI. 

As a YSI fellow, my experience as  as a co-worker and co-trainer has been my greatest take away.   YSI workshops have really influenced me to take a deeper look into my own self, and helped me improve myself.  By actively participating in all the activities, there are lots of important moments of learning which  will always stay in my mind.  

Some of the activities which impacted me immensely.  One was the empathy walk , Yes and and but game & 3 D model of wellbeing . 

In the EMPHATHY walk with our stakeholders, I realised to understand your problem, its important to know how it is related to the concerned person, By listening to their honest answers without any questions, judgement & arguments,  helps us to understand their thoughts, better. In the YES AND  & BUT game, I liked the  ground rule of ideation process to only use Yes And and less of using the word but. As we did the 3D model of wellbeing, I understood that well-being is connected with all people around us like parents ,friends ,teachers. 

Through my participation in YSI, I have become a person with a lot of courage and confidence. And YSI workshops have really influenced me to take a deeper look into my own self, I'm grateful for this opportunity”.

Sharulatha is an action oriented and enthusiastic learner who likes writing poetry

YSI focuses and provided equal opportunity to students from different colleges across the state. It’s the students who show a commitment to bringing change and are ready to work with young people get selected to be on board as YSI fellow. My take away as YSI fellow has been the leadership opportunities and strengths finding programs offered to the YSI fellows, which has helped me in developing my leadership skills.  

YSI Pre-conferernce workshop was a complete bliss and lots of learning as I participated as Peer Co-trainer. What stuck me was the interaction of people of different ages & different organisations  in one platform. There were teachers, students, principals, training facilitators, from schools, colleges, NGO’s and other organisations.  It was evident that all the participants were curious and excited in the workshop - qualities every learner should possess. The most favourite part of every workshop was when I was sent to breakout rooms with different groups, and participating in their discussions to evolve problem statements and solutions. As I was grouped with a few teachers, initially I was quite hesitant to guide them, but I was  surprised when they asked me questions to clarify their doubts. I was  inspired by their interest to learn.  In the YSI workshop, as a peer co-trainer, I was able to witness young minds, ideating their innovative ideas, which  inspired me, while I also learnt leadership skills to mentor a team. 

Overall the Ysi fellowship has given me an opportunity to work with different people across the state, its a lot of learning added to my bucket. I am confident that this learning will also help me in my career, it makes a happy to be a part of building a beautiful society.

Srushti Rasaa