
We nurture a possibilities mindset, creativity, and a capacity to co-create, together.

This is based on a framework to design open spaces to co-create an emerging future.                     

Co-creation happens at the meeting point of diversity, which is built through deep listening &  dialogical relationships with people and their cultures, making it a human-centered process.

Co-creation program will help you to :

  • Develop empathetic listening 

  • Develop a capacity for dialog

  • Develop imagination 

  • Develop problem-solving skills

  • Develop collaboration 

  • Develop reflection 


The framework for Co-creation was developed by Lakshmi Hariharan, which has evolved from a decade of practical grassroots work, of enabling young people as social innovators, to bring out-of-school children, back to school in more than 500 rural areas in North Karnataka and a research study, on these case studies. This was followed by an independent study on “ Individual & Social change, using arts & Design thinking processes” at Azim Premji University, by Lakshmi Hariharan, under the guidance of Prof. Jane Sahe and Shashi Nair. It’s an experiential program where we use art processes for change and have also integrated design thinking tools of, Stanford University, USA, and co-creating processes from the U.Theory of the Presencing Institute, MIT USA. 

Training conducted :

For the last 5 years at Srushti Rasaa, we have trained students & faculties from Srushti Degree College and other colleges to understand the process and also be able to practically use it. So far we have trained :   

- 250 College students

-       50 faculty

-       15 Peer trainers - Both students and teachers

Our Resource team : 

Our resource persons are experienced creative people from diverse backgrounds. 

Lakshmi Hariharan and a team of co-trainers include students and faculty from Srushti Degree College and other colleges. They are experienced in not only coaching youth to design the project and implement their prototype but also reflecting on their process.   

UNESCO believes “introducing learners to the artistic processes cultivates a fertile imagination, emotional intelligence, capacity for critical reflection and social adaptability as well as freedom of thought.