WORKSHOP DETAILS : Mindful Journaling is a combination of writing and art and focusing on the present moment which is a struggle for many of us.
Workshop format :- We will be working through Whats app group, where you will be shared one Prompt - and participants can complete the activity in their own time, during the day.
RESOURCE PERSON : Vasundhara is the resource person for this workshop on Mindful Journaling . She is an Arts based therapy practitioner. Arts is very therapeutic and can help people express, heal and deal with difficulties.She uses visual art techniques to help people of all ages to get in touch with their feelings.
Who can join :- Anyone above 15 years of age can join.
FEES : Pay as you please - Gift Culture. Your contribution will be used to support artists & daily wage earners affected by COVID-19.
REGISTRATION : To register, send email to Srushtirasaa@gmail.com, with name, phone , email, address. We will get back to you, with details of your fees payment, as part of GIFT CULTURE.